Animal friendliness, labor savings and sustainability

Manure alleys that are regularly cleaned help reduce disease pressure and increase animal welfare and labor efficiency. Claw and leg defects are still frequent reasons for premature removal of dairy cows.

Improved claw and leg health

Your 'top athletes' move much better on clean and dry floors. Cows have to walk less carefully and slip less often. The result is improved claw and leg health. DSD manure scrapers ensure clean slats; good for clean, healthy cows.

DSD Manure Processing is a dealer of Buschmann manure mixers and systems. A mixer is needed for each manure pit to keep the manure homogeneous and thus enable high-quality fertilization. DSD mixers are low-maintenance/free and are available in both tractor and electric versions.

The Smart Slurry Aeration System (SSAS) is a system in which the manure in the storage space is aerated periodically per day. This is done via a PVC pipe circuit, mounted on the bottom of the manure storage. This results in homogeneous manure, labor savings on mixing, prevention of gas formation and reduction of construction costs.

DSD: Desirable Solutions for Dairy

Manure scrapers

Your 'top athletes' move much better on clean and dry floors. Cows have to walk less carefully and slip less often. The result is improved claw and leg health.

Manure scraper drive

Manure alleys that are regularly cleaned help reduce disease pressure and increase animal welfare and labor efficiency. We offer powerful drive systems to suit your stable.

Manure mixers

A mixer is needed for each manure pit to keep the manure homogeneous and thus deliver a good product to the fields. We have the right mixer for your well.

SSAS manure aeration

The Smart Slurry Aeration System (SSAS) is a system in which the manure in the storage space is aerated periodically per day. No more fertilizer mixes, no tractor required!

High welfare is good for cow and farmer

Your job is to produce milk with healthy cows. Your cow wants a comfortable life, you want a good income with less effort and society wants animal-friendly livestock farming. DSD contributes to this with animal-friendly, labor-saving, sustainable and yield-increasing stable equipment for dairy cows, young cattle and calves.

What can we help you with?

High cow comfort and welfare will soon be reflected in milk production. Our specialists are happy to come to your stable to see what the possibilities are.